academy: a private school
- He was educated at a very expensive academy.
college: education beyond high school, where students take general required courses and specialize in a particular area of study leading to a bachelor's degree
- Her mother made sure that she would be able to go to college.
elementary school: a school that contains classes from kindergarten through grade five or six
- Most children go to an elementary school near where they live.
graduate school: the university programs that lead to advanced degrees, including special schools such as law school, medical school, dental school, and business school
- Many students have full-time jobs and go to graduate school classes in the evening.
high school: a school that contains classes from grades nine or ten through twelve
- Graduation from high school is a requirement for admission to a college or university, and for many jobs.
kindergarten: the first year of school, required in the United States by children aged five
- Many children learn to read in kindergarten.
middle school: a school that contains classes from grade six or seven to grade eight or nine
- Middle school students are usually in the beginning stages of adolescence.
preschool: a school for children aged three or four
- Preschool is a good introduction to school for small children.
private school: a school administered by a private organization, business, church, or other group
- Most private schools require the students to wear uniforms.
public school: a school administered by a local government where instruction is free
- All of their children go to public school.
school: a place for learning
- He is going to open a cooking school in the city.
university: a college that has four-year bachelor's degree programs and also offers graduate programs where students can do more in-depth study of a chosen subject, leading to a master's degree or a doctor's degree
- Some students prefer to get a bachelor's degree from a small college and then go to a large university for a master's degree.
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