Thursday 6 May 2010

List L

later or latter?LATER is the comparative of ‘late’.
(late, later, latest)
Iwillseeyou LATER.
You are LATER than I expected.
LATTER is the opposite of ‘former’.
Cats and dogs are wonderful pets but the
LATTER need regular exercise.
Note: use ‘latter’ to indicate the second of
two references; use ‘last’ to indicate the
final one of three or more.
legend or myth?Both are traditional tales but legends
usually have some basis in fact (e.g.
Robert the Bruce and the spider, King
Alfred and the cakes, Robin Hood and
Sherwood Forest). Myths are supernatural
tales, often involving gods or giants,
which serve to explain natural events or
phenomena (e.g. Pandora’s Box and the
coming of evil into the world, The Seven
Pomegranate Seeds and the seasons of the
year and so on).
libel or slander?Both refer to statements damaging to a
person’s character: LIBEL is written;
SLANDER is spoken.
licence or license?LICENCE is a noun. We can refer to a
licence or the licence or your licence:
Do you have your driving LICENCE with
LICENSE is a verb:
The restaurant is LICENSED for the
consumption of alcohol.
lightening or
LIGHTENING comes from the verb ‘to
lighten’ and so you can talk about:
LIGHTENING a heavy load or
LIGHTENING the colour of your hair.
LIGHTNING is the flash of light we get in
the sky during a thunderstorm.
liqueur or liquor?A LIQUEUR is a sweet, very strong,
alcoholic drink usually taken in small
glasses after a meal.
LIQUOR refers to any alcoholic drink.

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