Thursday 29 April 2010


stand can’t stand (the sight of) someone or something
stand do not have a leg to stand on
stand have one’s heart stand still
stand make someone’s hair stand on end
stand more than one can stand
stand one-night stand
stand stand a chance
stand stand and deliver
stand stand behind someone or something
stand stand by
stand stand corrected
stand stand for something
stand stand in awe (of someone or something)
stand stand (in) back of someone or something
stand stand in (for someone)
stand stand in someone’s way
stand stand on ceremony
stand stand one’s ground
stand stand on one’s own two feet
stand stand out
stand stand over someone
stand stand pat
stand stand someone in good stead
stand stand someone to a treat
stand stand someone up
stand stand still for something
stand stand to reason
stand stand up and be counted
stand take a stand (against someone or something)
stand take the stand
standards measure up to someone’s standards
standby on standby
standing able to do something standing on one’s head
standing a standing joke
stands It (only) stands to reason.
stands know where someone stands (on someone or
stands one’s heart stands still
standstill come to a standstill
starch take the starch out of someone
stare stare someone in the face
stark stark raving mad
stars get stars in one’s eyes
stars see stars
stars thank one’s lucky stars
start be off to a bad start
start from start to finish
start get a head start (on someone or something)
start get a start
start get off to a bad start
start get off to a flying start
start get one’s start
start give someone a head start (on someone or something)
start give someone a start
start jolt to a start
start off to a running start
start start from scratch
start start off on the wrong foot
start start (off) with a clean slate
start start (over) with a clean slate
start start someone in (as something)
start start someone out (as something)
start start something
start start the ball rolling
starters for starters
starts by fits and starts
state in a (constant) state of flux
state lie in state
state a fine state of affairs
state a pretty state of affairs
state the separation of church and state
Station (as) busy as Grand Central Station
Station busy as Grand Central Station
stay stay after someone
stay stay in touch (with someone)
stay stay put
staying have no staying power
stead stand someone in good stead
steady (as) steady as a rock
steady go steady (with someone)
steady Slow and steady wins the race.
steady steady as a rock
steal steal a base
steal steal a march (on someone)
steal steal someone’s thunder
steal steal the show
steal steal the spotlight
steam blow off steam
steam full steam ahead
steam let off steam

steam under one’s own steam
steamed steamed up
steaming steaming (mad)
steel (as) true as steel
steel have a mind like a steel trap
steel true as steel
steer give someone a bum steer
steer steer clear (of someone or something)
stem from stem to stern
step in step (with someone or something)
step out of step (with someone or something)
step step-by-step
step step down (from something)
step step into someone’s shoes
step step in(to the breach)
step step on it
step step on someone’s toes
step step on the gas
step step out of line
step step (right) up
step step something up
step watch one’s step
steps take steps (to prevent something)
stern from stem to stern
steven even steven
stew get (oneself) into a stew (over someone or something)
stew in a stew (about someone or something)
stew stew in one’s own juice
stew Too many cooks spoil the stew.
stick end up with the short end of the stick
stick get the short end of the stick
stick have one’s words stick in one’s throat
stick have something stick in one’s craw
stick more someone or something than one can shake a
stick at
stick not hold a stick to someone or something
stick stick around
stick stick by someone or something
Stick Stick ‘em up!
stick stick-in-the-mud
stick stick one’s foot in one’s mouth
stick stick one’s neck out (for someone or something)
stick stick one’s nose in(to something)
stick stick out like a sore thumb
stick stick someone or something up
stick stick someone with someone or something
stick stick something out
stick stick together
stick stick to one’s guns
stick stick to one’s ribs
stick stick up for someone or something
stick stick with someone or something
sticks sticks and stones
sticky have sticky fingers
stiff (as) stiff as a poker
stiff bored stiff
stiff bore someone stiff
stiff keep a stiff upper lip
stiff scared stiff
stiff scare someone stiff
stiff stiff as a poker
still (as) still as death
still have one’s heart stand still
still hold someone or something still
still hold still
still keep someone or something still
still keep still
still one’s heart stands still
still so still you could hear a pin drop
still stand still for something
still still as death
still The jury is still out (on someone or something).
stink create a stink (about something)
stink make a stink (about something)
stink raise a stink (about something)
stink stink to high heaven
stir cause a stir
stir go stir-crazy
stir stir someone or something up
stir stir up a hornet’s nest
stitches keep someone in stitches
stock have something in stock
stock in stock
stock lock, stock, and barrel
stock not take stock in something
stock out of stock
stock stock up (on something)
stock take no stock in something
stock take stock (of something)
stomach cannot stomach someone or something
stomach can’t stomach someone or something
stomach get butterflies in one’s stomach
stomach give one butterflies in one’s stomach
stomach have eyes bigger than one’s stomach
stomach not able to stomach someone or something
stomach One’s eyes are bigger than one’s stomach.
stomach turn someone’s stomach
stone (as) hard as stone
stone cast the first stone
stone hard as stone
stone have a heart of stone
stone kill two birds with one stone
stone leave no stone unturned
stone run into a stone wall
stone A rolling stone gathers no moss.
stone’s (just) a stone’s throw away (from something)
stones sticks and stones
stone’s within a stone’s throw (of something)
stone’s a stone’s throw (away) (from something)
stood should have stood in bed
stools fall between two stools
stoop stoop to doing something
stop come to a stop
stop jolt to a stop
stop put a stop to something
stop stop-and-go
stop stop at nothing
stop stop by (somewhere)
stop stop in (somewhere)
stop stop, look, and listen
stop stop off (somewhere)
stop stop over (somewhere)
stop stop short of doing something
stops pull out all the stops

storage in cold storage
storage in storage
store have something in store (for someone)
store mind the store
store set great store by someone or something
storm Any port in a storm.
storm kick up a storm
storm take someone or something by storm
storm A storm is brewing.
storm the calm before the storm
storm the eye of the storm
storm the lull before the storm
story cock-and-bull story
story make a long story short
story tell its own story
story the same old story
straight (as) straight as an arrow
straight get something straight
straight get the facts straight
straight give it to someone (straight)
straight go straight
straight keep a straight face
straight put something straight
straight set someone or something straight
straight set something straight
straight straight as an arrow
straight (straight) from the horse’s mouth
straight straight from the shoulder
straight vote a straight ticket
straight the straight and narrow
straighten straighten someone or something out
straighten straighten someone or something up
straighten straighten up
stranger stranger to something or somewhere
strapped strapped (for something)
straw be the last straw
straw be the straw that broke the camel’s back
straws clutch at straws
straws draw straws
straws grasp at straws
streak talk a blue streak
stream change horses in the middle of the stream
street down the street
street on easy street
street the man in the street
strength main strength and awkwardness
strength not know one’s own strength
strength on the strength of something
strength a pillar of strength
strength a tower of strength
stretch at a stretch
stretch stretch a point
stretch stretch one’s legs
stretch stretch the point
stretch stretch the truth
strictly (strictly) on the level
strictly (strictly) on the up-and-up
stride hit one’s stride
stride reach one’s stride
stride take something in stride
strike go (out) on strike
strike strike a balance (between  two or more things)
strike strike a bargain
strike strike a chord (with someone)
strike strike a happy medium
strike strike a match
strike strike a pose
strike strike a sour note
strike strike home
strike strike it rich
strike strike out
strike strike someone’s fancy
strike strike someone as something
strike strike someone funny
strike strike someone out
strike strike the right note
strike strike up a conversation
strike strike up a friendship
strike strike while the iron is hot
strikes get two strikes against one
strikes have two strikes against one
strikes Lightning never strikes twice (in the same
string have someone on the string
string string along (with someone)
string string something out
strings control the purse strings
strings pull strings
strings tied to one’s mother’s apron strings
strings with no strings attached
strings without any strings attached
stroke have a stroke
stroke a stroke of luck
strong (as) strong as a horse
strong (as) strong as a lion
strong (as) strong as an ox
strong strong as a horse
strong strong as a lion
strong strong as an ox
strong use strong language
struggle a struggle to the death
strung strung out
stubborn (as) stubborn as a mule
stubborn stubborn as a mule
stuck (stuck) in a rut
stuck stuck in traffic
stuck stuck on someone or something
stuck stuck with someone or something
stuff kid(‘s) stuff
stuff know one’s stuff
stuff stuff and nonsense
stuff stuff the ballot box
stuffing beat the stuffing out of someone
stumble stumble across someone or something
stumble stumble into someone or something
stumble stumble (up)on someone or something
stumbling stumbling block
stunt pull a stunt (on someone)
stupor in a stupor
style cramp someone’s style
style go out of style
style in style
style out of style
subject change the subject

subject drop the subject
subject off the subject
subject subject to something
subscribe subscribe to something
substance form and substance
substance sum and substance
such as such
such Like it’s such a big deal!
such such and such
such such as
Such Such is life!
suck suck someone in
suck teach one’s grandmother to suck eggs
sucks It sucks.
sucks That sucks.
sudden all of a sudden
sugar (as) sweet as sugar
sugar sweet as sugar
suggestive suggestive of something
suit follow suit
suit in one’s birthday suit
suit monkey suit
suit suit oneself
suit suit someone to a T
suitcase live out of a suitcase
sum sum and substance
sum sum something up
sun (as) calm as a toad in the sun
sun calm as a toad in the sun
sun under the sun
Sunday in one’s Sunday best
Sunday Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes
Sundays in a month of Sundays
sundry all and sundry
supply in short supply
supply supply and demand
support a pillar of support
supposed supposed to do something
sure (as) sure as death
sure for sure
sure sure as death
sure swift and sure
surely slow(ly) but sure(ly)
surf surf and turf
surface scratch the surface
surgery in surgery
surprise come as no surprise
surprise take someone or something by surprise
surprise take someone by surprise
survival the survival of the fittest
susceptible susceptible to something
suspicion above suspicion
suspicion under a cloud (of suspicion)
swallow swallow one’s pride
swallow swallow something, hook, line, and sinker
swallow a bitter pill to swallow
swallowed look like the cat that swallowed the
swan (as) graceful as a swan
swan graceful as a swan
swan someone’s swan song
swath cut a big swath
swath cut a wide swath
swear swear by someone or something
swear swear on a stack of Bibles
swear swear on one’s mother’s grave
sweat blood, sweat, and tears
sweat break out in a cold sweat
sweat by the sweat of one’s brow
sweat no sweat
sweat sweat blood
sweat sweat something out
sweep (as) black as a sweep
sweep black as a sweep
sweep make a clean sweep
sweep sweep one off one’s feet
sweep sweep out of somewhere
sweep sweep something under the carpet
sweep sweep something under the rug
sweet (as) sweet as honey
sweet (as) sweet as sugar
sweet have a sweet tooth
sweet short and sweet
sweet sweet and low
sweet sweet and sour
sweet sweet as honey
sweet sweet as sugar
sweet sweet nothings
sweet sweet on someone
sweet sweet-talk someone
sweet take the bitter with the sweet
sweetness all sweetness and light
swelled give someone a swelled head
swift (as) swift as an arrow
swift (as) swift as the wind
swift (as) swift as thought
swift swift and sure
swift swift as an arrow
swift swift as the wind
swift swift as thought
swim in the swim of things
swim make someone’s head swim
swim out of the swim of things
swim sink or swim
swim swim against the current
swim swim against the tide
swimming be swimming in something
swine cast (one’s) pearls before swine
swing get into full swing
swing get into the swing of things
swing in full swing
swing not enough room to swing a cat
swing swing into action
swing swing something
switch asleep at the switch
switch bait and switch
swoop at one fell swoop
swoop in one fell swoop
swords cross swords (with someone) (on something)
sympathy extend one’s sympathy (to someone)
sympathy one’s deepest sympathy
system get something out of one’s system
systems all systems (are) go

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