Thursday 29 April 2010


pull have pull with someone
pull pull a boner
pull pull a fast one
pull pull a gun (on someone)
pull pull a knife (on someone)
pull pull a stunt (on someone)
pull pull a trick (on someone)
pull pull oneself together
pull pull oneself up (by one’s own bootstraps)
pull pull one’s (own) weight
pull pull one’s punches
pull pull out all the stops
pull pull rank (on someone)
pull pull someone or something down
pull pull someone’s or something’s teeth
pull pull someone’s leg
pull pull someone through (something)
pull pull something on someone
pull pull something off
pull pull something out of a hat
pull pull something out of thin air
pull pull something together
pull pull strings
pull pull the plug (on someone or something)
pull pull the rug out (from under someone)
pull pull the wool over someone’s eyes
pull pull through
pull pull up (somewhere)
pull pull up stakes

pulse take someone’s pulse
punch (as) pleased as punch
punch beat someone to the punch
punch pack a punch
punch pleased as punch
punch punch a hole in something
punch take a punch at someone
punches pull one’s punches
punishment glutton for punishment
pure (as) pure as the driven snow
pure pure and simple
pure pure as the driven snow
purge binge and purge
purpose answer someone’s purpose
purpose on purpose
purpose serve someone’s purpose
purposes at cross-purposes
purposes for all intents and purposes
purposes for all practical purposes
purse control the purse strings
purse make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear
pursuit in pursuit of something
push if push comes to shove
push push off
push push one’s luck
push push someone to the wall
push push the panic button
push when push comes to shove
pushing pushing up daisies
put feel put-upon
put hard put (to do something)
put put a bee in someone’s bonnet
put put a cap on something
put put a hold on something
put put all one’s eggs in one basket
put put an end to something
put put a spin on something
put put a stop to something
put put ideas into someone’s head
put put in a good word (for someone)
put put in an appearance
put put off by someone or something
put put on
put put oneself in someone else’s place
put put oneself in someone else’s shoes
put put one’s back (in)to something
put put one’s best foot forward
put put one’s cards on the table
put put (one’s) dibs on something
put put one’s finger on something
put put one’s foot down (about something)
put put one’s foot in it
put put one’s foot in one’s mouth
put put one’s hand(s) on something
put put one’s hand to the plow
put put one’s head on the block (for someone or
put put one’s house in order
put put one’s mind to something
put put one’s nose to the grindstone
put put one’s oar in
put put one’s shoulder to the wheel
put put one’s thinking cap on
put put one’s two cents(‘ worth) in
put put one in one’s place
put put one through one’s paces
put put out (about someone or something)
put put out (some) feelers
put put someone or something across
put put someone or something at someone’s disposal
put put someone or something down
put put someone or something off
put put someone or something on hold
put put someone or something out
put put someone or something to bed
put put someone or something to sleep
put put someone or something to the test
put put someone or something up
put put someone’s eye out
put put someone’s nose out of joint
put put someone away
put put someone down as something bad
put put someone down (for something)
put put someone in the picture
put put someone off
put put someone on
put put someone through the wringer
put put someone to bed with a shovel
put put someone to shame
put put someone up to something
put put someone wise to someone or something
put put some teeth into something
put put something by
put put something down in black and white
put put something down to something
put put something forward
put put something in
put put something off
put put something on
put put something over
put put something plainly
put put something right
put put something straight
put put something through its paces
put put something together
put put something to (good) use
put put something to rest
Put Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
put put the arm on someone
put put the bite on someone
put put the blame on someone or something
put put the cart before the horse
put put the clamps on (someone)
put put the finger on someone
put put the heat on (someone)
put put the kibosh on something
put put the screws on (someone)
put put the skids on (something)
put put the squeeze on (someone)
put put the touch on someone
put put to it
put put two and two together
put put up a (brave) front
put put upon by someone

Put Put up or shut up!
put put up with someone or something
put put weight on
put put words into someone’s mouth
Put Put your money where your mouth is!
put stay put
put to put it mildly
putty putty in someone’s hands
puzzle puzzle something out

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