Thursday 29 April 2010


pace at a snail’s pace
pace keep pace (with someone or something)
pace a change of pace
paces put one through one’s paces
paces put something through its paces
pack pack a punch
pack pack a wallop
pack pack them in
pack a pack of lies
packed packed (in) like sardines
packing send someone packing
pad pad the bill
paddle paddle one’s own canoe
paddle up the creek (without a paddle)
pain feeling no pain
pain give someone a pain
pain racked with pain
pain share someone’s pain
pain a pain in the neck
pains have growing pains
pains take (great) pains (to do something)
paint (as) close as two coats of paint
paint (as) exciting as watching (the) paint dry
paint close as two coats of paint
paint Do I need to paint you a picture?
paint exciting as watching (the) paint dry
paint paint the town red
painted (as) black as one is painted
painted black as one is painted
pal pal around (with someone)
pale as pale as a ghost
pale (as) pale as death
pale beyond the pale
pale pale around the gills
pale pale as death
palm cross someone’s palm with silver
palm grease someone’s palm
palm have an itching palm
palm have an itchy palm
palm know someone or something like the palm of one’s
palm oil someone’s palm
palm palm something off (on someone)
pan out of the frying pan into the fire
pan pan out
pan a flash in the pan
pancake (as) flat as a pancake
pancake flat as a pancake
Pandora’s open Pandora’s box
panic press the panic button
panic push the panic button
pants beat the pants off someone
pants by the seat of one’s pants
pants catch one with one’s pants down
pants charm the pants off (of) someone
pants get ants in one’s pants
pants You scared the pants off (of) me.
paper look good on paper
paper paper over the cracks (in something)
paper put something on paper
paperhanger (as) busy as a one-armed paperhanger
paperhanger busy as a one-armed paperhanger
papers get one’s walking papers
papers give one one’s walking papers
par above par
par below par
par on par (with someone or something)
par par for the course
par up to par
parade rain on someone’s parade
paradise in a fool’s paradise
paradise a paradise (on earth)
parcel part and parcel (of something)
Pardon Pardon my French.
park in park
parole out on parole
parry thrust and parry
part do one’s part
part for one’s (own) part
part for the most part
part in part
part part and parcel (of something)
part part company (with someone)
part part someone’s hair

part take part (in something)
part take someone’s part
part the best part of something
partake partake of something
parted A fool and his money are soon parted.
partial partial to someone or something
particular in particular
particulars the particulars of something
parting parting of the ways
party throw a party (for someone)
party the life of the party
party the party line
party the responsible party
party’s The party’s over.
pass come to a pretty pass
pass come to pass
pass let something pass
pass make a pass at someone
pass pass as someone or something
pass pass away
pass pass for someone or something
pass pass muster
pass pass on
pass pass out
pass pass the buck
pass pass the hat
pass pass the time
pass pass through someone’s mind
pass ships that pass in the night
passing in passing
passing mention someone or something in passing
passing with each passing day
passion have a passion for someone or something
passport passport to something
past in times past
past not see past the end of one’s nose
past past someone’s or something’s prime
past a past master at something
paste cut and paste
pasture put someone or something out to pasture
pat give someone a pat on the back
pat have something down pat
pat pat someone on the back
pat stand pat
patch patch someone or something up
path beat a path to someone’s door
path lead someone down the garden path
path the path of least resistance
patience have the patience of a saint
patience run out of patience
patience try someone’s patience
patient (as) patient as Job
patient patient as Job
patrol on patrol
patrol (out) on patrol
Paul rob Peter to pay Paul
pause give someone pause
pave pave the way (for someone or something)
pavement pound the pavement
pay have hell to pay
pay have the devil to pay
pay hit pay dirt
pay pay a call on someone
pay pay a king’s ransom (for something)
pay pay an arm and a leg (for something)
pay pay as you go
pay pay attention (to someone or something)
pay pay a visit to someone or something
pay pay for something
pay pay homage to someone
pay pay in advance
pay pay lip service (to something)
pay pay one’s debt (to society)
pay pay one’s dues
pay pay one’s last respects
pay pay (someone or something) a visit
pay pay someone or something off
pay pay someone’s (own) way
pay pay someone a back-handed compliment
pay pay someone a compliment
pay pay someone a left-handed compliment
pay pay someone respect
pay pay the piper
pay pay through the nose (for something)
pay pay to do something
pay pay up
pay rob Peter to pay Paul
pay There will be the devil to pay.
pays He who pays the piper calls the tune.
pea (as) thick as pea soup
pea thick as pea soup
peace at peace
peace hold one’s peace
peace leave someone in peace
peace make peace (with someone)
peace rest in peace
peach (as) crazy as a peach-orchard boar
peach crazy as a peach-orchard boar
peacock (as) proud as a peacock
peacock proud as a peacock
peanuts for peanuts
pearls cast (one’s) pearls before swine
peas as alike as (two) peas in a pod
peas like (two) peas in a pod
peck hunt-and-peck
peculiar funny peculiar
pedestal put someone on a pedestal
peeled keep one’s eyes peeled (for someone or something)
peep have a peep
peep hear a peep out of someone
peep take a peep
peeve someone’s pet peeve
peg peg away (at something)
peg peg someone as something
peg take someone down a peg (or two)
peg a square peg in a round hole
pegged have someone pegged as something
penchant have a penchant for doing something
pencil in pencil
penny cost a pretty penny
penny cut someone off without a penny
penny penny-wise and pound-foolish
penny A penny saved is a penny earned.
people be all things to all people

people split people up
people a number of things or people
pep pep someone or something up
per per head
perfection cook something to perfection
Perish Perish the thought.
perish publish or perish
perk perk someone or something up
permitting weather permitting
perpetuity in perpetuity
persist persist in doing something
persist persist with something
person do something in person
person feel like a new person
person in person
person on one’s person
person shuttle someone or something from person to
person the last person
personally take something personally
perspective perspective on something
persuasion be of the persuasion that something is so
pet someone’s pet hate
pet someone’s pet peeve
pet the teacher’s pet
petard hoist by one’s own petard
petard hoist with one’s own petard
Pete Honest to Pete.
peter peter out
Peter rob Peter to pay Paul
phony (as) phony as a three-dollar bill
phony phony as a three-dollar bill
physical get physical (with someone)
pick have a bone to pick (with someone)
pick have a pick-me-up
pick pick a fight with someone
pick pick a lock
pick pick and choose
pick pick a quarrel (with someone)
pick pick at someone or something
pick pick holes in something
pick pick one’s way through something
pick pick on somebody your own size
pick pick on someone or something
pick pick on someone your own size
pick pick someone or something off
pick pick someone or something up
pick pick someone’s brain(s)
pick pick something over
pick pick something to pieces
pick pick up
pick the pick of something
picked picked over
pickle in a (pretty) pickle
pickle in a real pickle
picnic one sandwich short of a picnic
picture (as) pretty as a picture
picture Do I need to paint you a picture?
picture get the picture
picture pretty as a picture
picture put someone in the picture
picture the picture of something
pie (as) easy as (apple) pie
pie easy as (apple) pie
pie eat humble pie
pie have a finger in the pie
pie have one’s finger in the pie
pie in apple-pie order
pie pie in the sky
piece all in one piece
piece give someone a piece of one’s mind
piece piece of cake
piece a piece of the action
piece the villain of the piece
pieces break something to pieces
pieces go to pieces
pieces pick something to pieces
pieces thrilled to pieces
pieces thrill someone to pieces
pier Take a long walk off a short pier.
piercing a piercing scream
pies have one’s finger in too may pies
pig (as) fat as a pig
pig buy a pig in a poke
pig fat as a pig
pig serve as a guinea pig
pikestaff (as) plain as a pikestaff
pikestaff plain as a pikestaff
pile make a pile
pile pile in(to something)
pile pile out (of something)
pile pile something up
pile pile up
pill a bitter pill to swallow
pillar from pillar to post
pillar a pillar of strength
pillar a pillar of support
pimples get goose pimples
pimples give someone goose pimples
pin (as) bright as a new pin
pin (as) neat as a pin
pin bright as a new pin
pin neat as a pin
pin pin one’s faith on someone or something
pin pin one’s hope(s) on someone or something
pin pin someone’s ears back
pin pin someone down
pin pin something on someone
pin so quiet you could hear a pin drop
pin so still you could hear a pin drop
pinch feel the pinch
pinch in a pinch
pinch pinch-hit (for someone)
pinch take something with a pinch of salt
pink in the pink (of condition)
pink tickled pink
pink tickle someone pink
pins on pins and needles
pins pins and needles
pipe pipe down
pipe pipe up with something
pipe Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
pipe a pipe dream

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