Thursday 3 June 2010

not any, no, none; no more, not any more, no longer, not any longer


not (n't) + any

  • There aren't any cars in the car park.

  • Sally and Steve haven't got any children.

  • You can have some coffee but I don't want any.

no + noun (no cars / no garden etc.)

no ... = not + any or not + a:

  • There are no cars in the car park. (= there aren't any cars)

  • We've got no coffee. '(= we haven't got any coffee)

  • It's a nice house but there's no garden. (= there isn't a garden)

We use no ... especially after have (got) and there is/are.

negative verb + any = positive verb + no:

  • They haven't got any children, or They've got no children.
    'They haven't got no children')

  • There isn't any sugar in your coffee,  or There's no sugar in your coffee.

no and none

Use no + noun (no money / no children etc.):

  • We've got no money.

  • Everything was OK. There were no problems.

Use none alone (without a noun):

  • 'How much money have you got?'   'None.' (= no money)

  • 'Were there any problems?'   'No, none.' (= no problems)

none and no-one

none = 0 (zero)

None is an answer for How much?/ How many? (things or people):

  • 'How much money have you got?'   'None.' (= no money)

  • 'How many people did you meet?'   'None.' (= no people)

no-one = nobody

No-one is an answer for Who?:

  • 'Who did you meet?'   'No-one.' (or Nobody.)


We use no more to talk about quantity or degree - to say 'how much'

  • There's no more bread. She's no more a great singer than I am.

We do not use no more to a talk about time.
Instead we use no longer (usually before the verb), not... any longer, or not... any more.

  • I no longer support the team. (NOT I no more...)

  • This can't go on any longer.

  • Annie doesn't live here any more. (NOT... any more is informal)

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