1 (dining room) table 2 (dining room) chair
3 buffet 4 tray 5 teapot
6 coffee pot 7 sugar bowl
8 creamer 9 pitcher
10 chandelier 11 china cabinet
12 china 13 salad bowl
14 serving bowl 15 serving dish
16 vase 17 candle 18 candlestick
19 platter 20 butter dish 21 salt shaker
22 pepper shaker 23 tablecloth
24 napkin 25 fork
26 plate 27 knife
28 spoon 29 bowl
30 mug 31 glass
32 cup 33 saucer
1. table; 2. chair
3. china cabinet; 4. china

5. chandelier
6. buffet; 7. salad bowl; 8. pitcher
9. serving bowl; 10. serving platter
11. tablecloth; 12. candlestik
13. candle; 14. centerpiece
15. salt shaker; 16. pepper shaker
17. butter dish
18. serving cart; 19. teapot
20. coffee pot; 21. creamer
22. sugar bowl
1. Salad plate 2. Bread-and-butter plate 3. Dinner plate
4. Soup bowl 5. Water glass 6. Wine glass
7. Cup 8. Saucer 9. Napkin
10. Salad fork 11. Dinner fork
12. Knife 13. Teaspoon 14. Butter knife
4. Soup bowl 5. Water glass 6. Wine glass
7. Cup 8. Saucer 9. Napkin
10. Salad fork 11. Dinner fork
12. Knife 13. Teaspoon 14. Butter knife
1. china cabinet
2. set of dishes
3. platter
2. set of dishes
3. platter
4. ceiling fan 5. light fixture
6. serving dish
7. candle
8. candlestick
9. vase
7. candle
8. candlestick
9. vase
10. tray11. teapot
12. sugar bowl 13. creamer
14. saltshaker 15. pepper shaker
16. dining room chair 17. dining room table
18. tablecloth 19. napkin 20. place mat
12. sugar bowl 13. creamer
14. saltshaker 15. pepper shaker
16. dining room chair 17. dining room table
18. tablecloth 19. napkin 20. place mat
21. fork 22. knife
23. spoon 24. plate
23. spoon 24. plate
25. bowl 26. glass
27. coffe cup 28. mug
27. coffe cup 28. mug
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