Picture Dictionary – Place– Hospital
Hospital staff

1. obstetrician
2. internist
3. cardiologist
4. Pediatrician

5. radiologist
6. psychiatrist
7. ophthalmologist
8. X-ray technician
Patient's room

9. bed table
10. call button
11. hospital bed
12. bed control
13. bedpan
14. medical waste disposal

15. hospital gown
16. lab technician
17. blood work / blood test
Nurse's station

18. orderly
19. volunteer
20. medical charts

21. vital signs monitor
22. RN (registered nurse)
23. medication tray
24. LPN (licensed practical nurse) / LVN ( licensed vocational nurse)
25. dietcian
Emergency room

26. emergency medical technician
27. IV (intravenous drip)
28. stretcher/ gurney
Operation room

29. surgical nurse
30. surgeon
31. surgical cap
32. surgical gown
33. latex gloves
34. operation table
35. anesthesiologist
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