Prefixes (at the beginning of words) can help you to understand what a new word means. Here are some common prefixes.
un- and dis-
These prefixes have two meanings: they can have a negative meaning (as above), but they can also mean 'the opposite of an action' or 'to reverse an action'. This meaning is used with certain verbs.
- I locked the door when I left, but I lost the key, so I couldn't it unlock it when I got back.
- I had to pack my suitcase (= put everything in it) very quickly, so when I unpacked (= took everything out) at the hotel, most of my clothes looked terrible.
- The plane appeared in the sky, then suddenly disappeared behind a cloud.
- In the morning you get dressed (= put on your clothes); when you go to bed you get undressed (= take off your clothes).
re- (= again)
- My homework was terrible, so I had to redo it.
- The shop closed down but will reopen next month.
- I failed my exam but I can retake (or redo/resit) it next year.
over- (= too much)
- I think my boss is overdoing it at the moment. (= working too hard; also overwork)
- I went to bed very late and I overslept (= slept too long) this morning.
- The shop assistant overcharged me. (= asked me for too much money)
mis- (= badly or incorrectly)
- I'm afraid I misunderstood what he said.
- Two of the students misread the first question.
Prefix | Meaning |
Example |
a |
| aseptic, asymmetrical |
ab |
away from
| abnormal, absent |
anti |
| antibiotic, antifreeze |
auto | self, alone |
automatic, automobile
bene | good |
beneficial, benefit
bi | two, double |
bicycle, bicentennial
bio | life |
biology, biosphere
cent | hundred |
century, centurion
centi | hundredth |
circum | around |
co | with, together |
com | with |
compassion, combine
con | with |
contra | against |
deci | tenth |
deca | ten |
dia | through | diagonal, diameter |
dis | apart | dislocate, dismantle |
eco | earth |
ecology, ecosystem
equi |
| equilateral, equilibrium |
ex |
| ex-wife, ex-president |
hemi | half | hemisphere |
hyper | above, over | hyperactive |
il/im | not | incorrect, irresistible |
in/ir |
| incorrect, irresistible |
inter | between, among | interstate, international |
magni |
great, large
| magnify, magnificent |
mega | great | mega city, megaphone |
micro | small | microscope |
mid |
| midway, middle |
mini | very small | miniskirt |
mis | wrong | misspell, misunderstand |
mono | one, single | monotheistic, monologue |
multi | many | multinational |
non | not | nonconformist, nonentity |
over | too much | overrun |
pan | all | pan-American |
para |
beside, guard
| parallel, parachute |
penta | five | pentagon |
per | throughout | perfect, pervade |
poly | many | polygon |
port | carry | portage |
post |
| postpone, postgraduate |
pre | before | prepare, predict |
pro | forward, supporting | progress, propel, profess |
quad | four | quadrilateral |
re | again, back | reconsider |
semi | half, partly | semidetached semiprivate |
sub | below, under | submarine, submerge |
super | above | superman, supernatural |
tele | far | telephone, television |
trans |
across, over
| transport, transplant |
tri | three | triangle, tricycle |
ultra | beyond | ultrasound, ultra light |
un | not, uncertain | uneducated, unbearable |
under | below | underused |
uni | one | universal, unicycle |
a not aseptic, asymmetrical
ab away from abnormal, absent
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