Saturday 1 May 2010


zero in on something to aim or focus directly

on something. (Informal.) “Now,” said

Mr. Smith, “I would like to zero in on an-

Other important point.” Mary is very

good about zeroing in on the most impor-

tant and helpful ideas.

zonk out to pass out; to fall asleep. (Slang.)

I was so tired after playing football that

I almost zonked out on the f loor. I had

a cup of coffee before the test to keep from

zonking out in the middle of it.

zoom in (on someone or something) 1. to fly

or move rapidly at someone or some-

thing. (Slang.) The hawk zoomed in on

the sparrow. The angry bees zoomed in

on Jane and stung her. When the door

opened, the cat zoomed in. 2. [for a pho-

tographer] to use a zoom lens to get a

closer view of someone or something.

Bill zoomed in on Sally’s face just as she

grinned. On the next shot I’ll zoom in

for a close-up.

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