Thursday, 29 April 2010


ABC (as) easy as ABC
ABC easy as ABC
ABCs know one’s ABCs
abet aid and abet someone
abeyance in abeyance
abide abide by something
ability to the best of one’s ability
able able to breathe (easily) again
able able to breathe (freely) again
able able to do something blindfolded
able able to do something standing on one’s head
able able to do something with one’s eyes closed
able able to fog a mirror
able able to make something
able able to take a joke
able able to take just so much
able able to take something
able not able to call one’s time one’s own
able not able to go on
able not able to help something
able not able to make anything out of someone or
able not able to see the forest for the trees
able not able to stomach someone or something
able not able to wait
able ready, willing, and able
abode take up one’s abode somewhere
about (all) at sea (about something)
about (all) worked up (about something)
about at sea (about something)
about be about something
about beat about the bush
about bring something about
about carry on (about someone or something)
about cast about for someone or something
about come about
about crazy about someone or something
about create a stink (about something)
about do an about-face
about fall out (with someone about something)
about fiddle about (with someone or something)
about get a rough idea (about something)
about get a thing about someone or something
about get one’s wits about one
about get second thoughts about someone or something
about get worked up (about something)
about give someone a rough idea (about something)
about go about one’s business
about go into one’s song and dance (about something)
about halfhearted (about someone or something)
about have a clean conscience (about someone or
about have a clear conscience (about someone or
about have a clue (about something)
about have a feeling about something
about have a hunch about something
about have mixed feelings (about someone or something)
about have second thoughts about someone or something
about in a stew (about someone or something)
about in the dark (about someone or something)
about It’s about time!
about keen about someone or something
about keep one’s mouth shut (about someone or
about keep one’s wits about one
about keep quiet (about someone or something)
about keep still (about someone or something)
about knock about (somewhere)
about knock someone or something about
about know a thing or two (about someone or something)
about know one’s way about
about let someone know (about something)
about mad about someone or something
about make a big deal about something
about make a stink (about something)
about make cracks (about someone or something)
about Make no bones about it.
about make no mistake (about it)
about man-about-town
about mess about (with someone or something)
about millstone about one’s neck
about much ado about nothing
about no buts about it
about no ifs, ands, or buts about it
about nose about
about not breathe a word (about someone or something)

about not care two hoots (about someone or something)
about not give a hang (about someone or something)
about not give a hoot (about someone or something)
about not give two hoots (about someone or something)
about nothing to complain about
about nothing to write home about
about not know beans (about someone or something)
about not know the first thing about someone or
about no two ways about it
about nuts about someone or something
about on the fence (about something)
about order someone about
about out and about
about play about (with someone or something)
about poke about
about put one’s foot down (about something)
about put out (about someone or something)
about rail at someone (about something)
about raise a stink (about something)
about ramble on (about someone or something)
about rant and rave (about someone or something)
about rant (at someone) about someone or something
about religious about doing something
about see about something
about see a man about a dog
about see eye to eye (with someone) (about something)
about send one about one’s business
about something about someone or something
about sound off (about something)
about spout off (about someone or something)
about That’s about the size of it.
about trouble oneself about someone or something
about trouble one’s head about someone or something
about up and about
about up in the air (about someone or something)
about wild about someone or something
about worked up (about something)
above above and beyond (something)
above (above and) beyond the call of duty
above above average
above above par
above above reproach
above above suspicion
above get one’s head above water
above head and shoulders above someone or something
above keep one’s head above water
above over and above something
above a cut above someone or something
aboveboard aboveboard
aboveboard honest and aboveboard
aboveboard open and aboveboard
abreast keep abreast (of something)
absence conspicuous by one’s absence
absence in the absence of someone or something
absent absent without leave
accident have an accident
accord of one’s own accord
accordance in accordance with something
according according to all accounts
according according to Hoyle
according according to one’s own lights
according according to someone or something
according according to something
account blow-by-blow account
account give a good account of oneself
account not on any account
account on account
account on any account
account on no account
account on someone’s account
account take someone or something into account
account turn something to good account
accounting There’s no accounting for taste.
accounts according to all accounts
accounts balance the accounts
accounts by all accounts
accounts cook the accounts
accounts square accounts (with someone)
accustomed accustomed to someone or something
ace ace in the hole
ace (as) black as the ace of spades
ace black as the ace of spades
ace come within an ace of doing something
ace have an ace up one’s sleeve
ace someone’s ace in the hole
aces hold all the aces
aching an aching heart
acid acid test
acknowledge acknowledge receipt (of something)
acknowledge acknowledge someone to be right
acquire acquire a taste for something
across across the board
across come across someone or something
across cut across something
across get someone or something across
across get something across (to someone)
across put someone or something across
across run across someone or something
across stumble across someone or something
act act as someone
act act high-and-mighty
act act one’s age
act act something out
act act up
act catch someone in the act (of doing something)
act caught in the act
act clean up one’s act
act get into the act
act get one’s act together
act in the act (of doing something)
act keep up an act
act keep up one’s act
act put on an act
act read someone the riot act
act an act of faith
act an act of God
act an act of war
act a tough act to follow
action all talk (and no action)
action course of action
action go into action
action swing into action
action a piece of the action

Actions Actions speak louder than words.
active on active duty
activity a hive of activity
Adam not know someone from Adam
add add fuel to the fire
add add fuel to the flame
add add insult to injury
add add up (to something)
addition in addition (to something)
address address someone as something
adieu bid adieu to someone or something
adieu bid someone or something adieu
ado much ado about nothing
ado without further ado
advance in advance
advance pay in advance
advanced advanced in years
advantage get the advantage of someone
advantage get the advantage over someone
advantage show something to good advantage
advantage take advantage of someone or something
advantage turn something to one’s advantage
advice sage advice
advise advise against something
advise advise someone against doing something
advocate play (the) devil’s advocate
aegis under the aegis of someone
affairs settle someone’s affairs
affairs a fine state of affairs
affairs a pretty state of affairs
affinity an affinity for someone or something
affirmative in the affirmative
afire like a house afire
afoul fall afoul of someone or something
afoul run afoul of someone or something
afraid afraid of one’s own shadow
aft fore and aft
after after a fashion
after after all
after after hours
after after the fact
after after the fashion of someone or something
after day after day
after get after someone
after keep after someone
after live happily ever after
after much sought after
after name someone after someone else
after one thing or person after another
after run after someone
after stay after someone
after take after someone
after take off (after someone or something)
after take out (after someone or something)
after throw good money after bad
after time after time
after year after year
after the morning after (the night before)
again able to breathe (easily) again
again able to breathe (freely) again
again again and again
again (all) over again
again at it again
again Come again.
again do something over (again)
again (every) now and again
again now and again
again off again, on again
again on again, off again
again oneself again
again over again
again over and over (again)
again run that by (someone) again
again something else (again)
again time and (time) again
again You can say that again!
against advise against something
against advise someone against doing something
against against someone’s will
against against the clock
against assemble a case (against someone)
against bang one’s head against a brick wall
against bear a grudge (against someone)
against beat one’s head against the wall
against build a case (against someone)
against dead set against someone or something
against fight against time
against for the odds to be against one
against gather a case (against someone)
against get two strikes against one
against go against the grain
against guard against someone or something
against have a case (against someone)
against have a grudge (against someone)
against have one’s heart set against something
against have something against someone or something
against have the cards stacked against one
against have the deck stacked against one
against have two strikes against one
against hold a grudge (against someone)
against hold something against someone
against hope against (all) hope
against lift a hand (against someone or something)
against nurse a grudge (against someone)
against one’s heart is (dead) set against something
against pit someone or something against someone or
against play both ends (against the middle)
against play someone off against someone else
against race against time
against raise a hand (against someone or something)
against security against something
against set one’s heart against something
against side against someone
against smear campaign (against someone)
against stack the cards (against someone or something)
against stack the deck (against someone or something)
against swim against the current
against swim against the tide
against take a stand (against someone or something)
against take up arms (against someone or something)
against up against something
against the cards are stacked against one
age act one’s age

age come of age
age in a coon’s age
age in this day and age
age of age
age a ripe old age
agree not agree with someone
agreement in agreement
agreement reach an agreement
ahead ahead of one’s time
ahead ahead of schedule
ahead ahead of the game
ahead ahead of time
ahead come out ahead
ahead dead ahead
ahead full steam ahead
ahead get ahead of oneself
ahead get the go-ahead
ahead give someone the go-ahead
ahead one jump ahead (of someone or something)
ahead one move ahead (of someone or something)
ahold get (a)hold of someone or something
ahold take (a)hold of  someone or something
aid aid and abet someone
aim aim to do something
aim take aim (at someone or something)
aim We aim to please.
Ain’t Ain’t it the truth?
ain’t That ain’t hay.
air air one’s dirty linen in public
air air one’s grievances
air air something out
air (as) free as (the) air
air build castles in the air
air clear the air
air free as (the) air
air full of hot air
air get the air
air give someone the air
air gulp for air
air have one’s nose in the air
air in the air
air off the air
air one’s nose is in the air
air on the air
air out of thin air
air pull something out of thin air
air up in the air (about someone or something)
air vanish into thin air
air walk on air
air a breath of fresh air
airs put on airs
aisles have them rolling in the aisles
alcohol under the influence (of alcohol)
alert on the alert (for someone or something)
alike as alike as (two) peas in a pod
alike share and share alike
alive alive and kicking
alive alive and well
alive alive with someone or something
alive more dead than alive
alive skin someone alive

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