Thursday 29 April 2010


at all at once
at (all) at sea (about something)
at asleep at the switch
at at all
at at a loss (for words)
at at an early date
at at any cost
at at any rate
at at a premium
at at a set time
at at a sitting
at at a snail’s pace
at at a stretch
at at bay
at at best
at at close range
at at cross-purposes
at at death’s door
at at ease
at at every turn
at at face value
at at first
at (at) full blast
at at full speed
at at full tilt
at at half-mast
at at hand

at at hazard
at at home
at at it again
at at large
at at last
at at least
at at leisure
at at length
at at liberty
at at loggerheads (with someone)
at at (long) last
at at loose ends
at at most
at at night
at at odds (with someone)
at at once
at at one fell swoop
at at one’s best
at at one’s leisure
at at one’s wit’s end
at at peace
at at play
at at present
at at random
at at regular intervals
at at rest
at at risk
at at sea
at at sixes and sevens
at at some length
at at someone’s beck and call
at at someone’s doorstep
at at someone’s earliest convenience
at at someone’s mercy
at at someone’s request
at at someone’s service
at at some time sharp
at at stake
at at that rate
at at the appointed time
at at the bottom of the hour
at at the bottom of the ladder
at at the break of dawn
at at the crack of dawn
at at the drop of a hat
at at the eleventh hour
at at the end of nowhere
at at the end of one’s rope
at at the end of one’s tether
at at the end of the day
at at the expense of someone or something
at at the forefront (of something)
at at the height of something
at at the helm (of something)
at at the last gasp
at at the last minute
at at the latest
at at the mercy of someone
at at the outset
at at the point of doing something
at at the present time
at at the rear of something

at at the same time
at at the top of one’s lungs
at at the top of one’s voice
at at the top of the hour
at at the (very) outside
at at (the) worst
at at the zenith of something
at at this juncture
at at this point (in time)
at at this rate
at at this stage
at at times
at at will
at at work
at at worst
at blow up (at someone)
at burn someone at the stake
at burn the candle at both ends
at burst at the seams
at champ at the bit
at chomp at the bit
at close at hand
at clutch at straws
at come apart at the seams
at down-at-the-heels
at draw the line (at something)
at drive at something
at eat away at someone or something
at fall apart at the seams
at feel at home
at fire away at someone or something
at fling oneself at someone
at foam at the mouth
at get at someone or something
at get at the heart of the matter
at get back (at someone)
at get mad (at someone or something)
at go at it hammer and tongs
at go at it tooth and nail
at go at someone or something
at grasp at straws
at hammer away (at someone or something)
at have a crack at something
at have a go (at something)
at have a shot at something
at have a try at something
at have at someone or something
at have back at someone
at have something at hand
at have something at one’s fingertips
at Here’s looking at you.
at hold the line (at someone or something)
at hopeless at doing something
at hurl an insult (at someone)
at ill at ease
at I’m awful at names.
at I’m terrible at names.
at in at the kill
at in no time (at all)
at in the right place at the right time
at in the wrong place at the wrong time
at jump at something
at jump at the chance
at jump at the opportunity
at Keep at it!
at keep at someone or something
at leap at the opportunity
at level something at someone
at look at someone cross-eyed
at look daggers at someone
at look down one’s nose at someone or something
at love at first sight
at make a face (at someone)
at make a pass at someone
at make eyes (at someone)
at make good (at something)
at make oneself at home
at more someone or something than one can shake a stick
at near at hand
at not at all
at nothing to sneeze at
at one at a time
at peg away (at something)
at pick at someone or something
at plug away (at something)
at point the finger at someone
at poke fun (at someone)
at rail at someone (about something)
at rant (at someone) about someone or something
at right at a specific time
at run off at the mouth
at see the light (at the end of the tunnel)
at sit at someone’s feet
at snap at someone
at stop at nothing
at strike out at someone or something
at take a crack at something
at take a dig at someone
at take a gander (at someone or something)
at take aim (at someone or something)
at take a look (at someone or something)
at take a potshot at someone or something
at take a punch at someone
at take a shot at something
at take a stab at something
at take a try at something
at take a whack at someone or something
at take digs at someone
at take offense (at someone or something)
at take one at one’s word
at take someone or something at face value
at take something at face value
at take turns ((at) doing something)
at take umbrage at something
at throw oneself at someone’s feet
at throw oneself at someone
at throw oneself at the mercy of the court
at throw the book at someone
at thumb one’s nose at someone or something
at tilt at windmills
at tip the scales at something
at try one’s hand (at something)

at try one’s luck (at something)
at turn one’s nose up at someone or something
at up and at them
at What are you driving at?
at wink at something
at an old hand at doing something
at a past master at something
attached attached to someone or something
attached with no strings attached
attached without any strings attached
attendance take attendance
attention attract someone’s attention
attention bring something to someone’s attention
attention grip someone’s attention
attention hold someone’s attention
attention pay attention (to someone or something)
attention rivet someone’s attention
attitude devil-may-care attitude
attitude wait-and-see attitude
attract attract someone’s attention
auction Dutch auction
augur augur well for someone or something
auspices under the auspices of someone
avail avail oneself of something
avail of no avail
avail to no avail
available make someone or something available to someone
avenue avenue of escape
average above average
average below average
average on the average
avoid avoid someone or something like the plague
awagging set tongues (a)wagging
awake wide-awake
away away from one’s desk
away be a heartbeat away from something
away be a million miles away
away blow someone or something away
away carried away
away come away empty-handed
away do away with someone or something
away draw (someone’s) fire (away from someone or
away eat away at someone or something
away explain something away
away far and away the best
away fire away at someone or something
away fritter something away
away get away (from it all)
away get away with something
away get carried away
away give the bride away
away give the game away
away go away empty-handed
away hammer away (at someone or something)
away (just) a stone’s throw away (from something)
away lay someone away
away make away with someone or something
away pass away
away peg away (at something)
away plug away (at something)
away put someone away

away right away
away salt something away
away shy away (from someone or something)
away slip away
away sock something away
away squared away
away square someone or something away
away squirrel something away
away take it away
away take someone or something away
away take someone’s breath away
away up and away
away walk away with something
away When the cat’s away, the mice will play.
away while away the time
away a faraway look
away a stone’s throw (away) (from something)
awe in awe (of someone or something)
awe stand in awe (of someone or something)
awful I’m awful at names.
awkward (as) awkward as a cow on a crutch
awkward (as) awkward as a cow on roller skates
awkward awkward as a cow on a crutch
awkward awkward as a cow on roller skates
awkwardness main strength and awkwardness
ax get the ax
ax give someone the ax
ax have an ax to grind (with someone)

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