Sunday 25 April 2010

Also, as well and too

- clause + as well = clause + too

- as well and too can refer to dirrerent parts of the sentence depending on the meaning. When we speak, we shom the exact meaning by stressing the word that they refers to.

  • Other people have meetings on Sundays and we have meetings on Sunday as well

  • We go for walks on Sundays and we have meetings on Sunday as well

  • We have meetings on Tuesday and we have meetings on Sunday as well

- also + verbs= be + also

  • I don’t like him I also think he’s dishonest

  • She sings and she also plays the piano

  • I’m hungry and I’m also very tired

- as well (too) in short answer (not also)

  • I’m hungry. I’m too/ So am I/ Me too/ I’m as well (not I also)

- not use as well, too, also in negative sentences = not.. eigher, neither or nor

  • He’s there too -- He isn’t there either

  • I like you as well -- I don’t like you either

  • I do too -- Nor do I.

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