Sunday 25 April 2010

Above and Over

- Above and Over = higher than

A is above/over B

different above over

  • There’s a spider on the ceiling just above/over your head.

- Above = one thing is not directly over another

A is above B (not A is over B)

different above over

  • We’re got a little house above the lake.

- Over = one thing covers another

A is over B

A is over B

  • There is cloud over the Southe of England

- Over (Across) = one thing crosses another

A is (moving) over/across B

  • Electricity cables stretch over/across the fields.

  • The plane was flying over/across the Channel.

- Over = more than

  • “How old are you?” “Over thirty”

  • He’s over two meters tall.

- Above = more than in some expressions particularly (vertical scale..)

  • Above zero (for temperatures)

  • Above sea-level

  • Above average

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