Tuesday 31 July 2012

Tools, Building Supplies

Tools, Building Supplies - Picture Dictionary

Tools in Workshop, TOOLS AND HARDWARE

Gardening Tools and Home Supplies

utility room

 Tools, Building Supplies - Picture Dictionary

1. hammer
2. mallet
3. ax
4. handsaw
5. hacksaw
6. C-clamp
7. pliers
8. electric drill
9. power sander
10. circular saw
11. blade
12. router

 Tools, Building Supplies - Picture Dictionary
13. wire
14. extension cord
15. yardstick
16. pipe
17. fittings
18. wood
19. spray gun
20. paint

 Tools, Building Supplies - Picture Dictionary
21. vise
22. tape measure
23. drill bit
24. level
25. screwdriver
26. Phillips screwdriver
27. machine screw
28. wood screw
29. nail
30. bolt
31. nut
32. washer
33. toggle bolt
34. hook
35. eye hook
36. chain

 Tools, Building Supplies - Picture Dictionary
37. wire stripper
38. electrical tape
39. flashlight
40. battery
41. outlet
42. pipe wrench
43. wrench
44. plunger
45. paint pan
46. paint roller
47. paintbrush
48. scraper
49. masking tape
50. sandpaper
51. chisel
52. plane


Picture Dictionary / People / Crime


Picture Dictionary / Place / Crime

1. vandalism
2. gang violence
3. drunk driving
4. illegal drugs

Picture Dictionary / Place / Crime
5. mugging
6. burglary
7. assault
8. murder
9. gun

Monday 30 July 2012


Picture Dictionary - Geography

Picture Dictionary - Geography

1. rain forest
2. waterfall
3. river
4. desert
5. sand dune

Picture Dictionary - Geography
6. ocean
7. peninsula
8. inland
9. bay
10. beach
11. forest
12. shore
13. lake


Picture Dictionary - Geography
14. mountain peak
15. mountain range
16. hills
17. canyon
18. valley
19. plains
20. meadow
21. pond

Picture Dictionary / Place / Legal System

Picture Dictionary / Place / Legal System

Picture Dictionary / Place / Legal System

A. arrest a suspect
1. police officer
2. handcuffs
B. hire a lawyer/ hire an attorney
3. guard
4. defense attorney
C. appear in court
5. defendant

Picture Dictionary / Place / Legal System
6. judge
D. stand trial
7. courtroom
8. jury
9. evidence
10. prosecuting attorney
11. witness
12. court reporter
13. bailiff

Picture Dictionary / Place / Legal System
E. give the verdict
F. sentence the defendant
G. go to jail/ go to prison
14. convict
H. be released

Directions, Traffic Signs

Directions and Traffic Signs– Picture Dictionary


Directions and Traffic Signs– Picture Dictionary

A. go straight
B. turn
C. turn left
1. corner
2. block


Directions and Traffic Signs– Picture Dictionary

3. stop
4. do not enter/ wrong way
5. speed limit
6. one way

Directions and Traffic Signs– Picture Dictionary
7. U-turn OK
8. no outlet / dead end
9. right turn only
10. pedestrian crossing

Directions and Traffic Signs– Picture Dictionary
11. railroad crossing
12. no parking
13. school crossing
14. handicapped parking

Saturday 28 July 2012

Meat, Poultry

Picture Dictionary / Food / Meat, Poultry, Seafood

Picture Dictionary / Food / Meat, Poultry,


1. roast beef
2. steak
3. stewing beef
4. ground beef
5. beef ribs
6. veal cutlets
7. liver
8. tripe


9. ham
10. pork chops
11. bacon
12. sausage


13. lamb shanks
14. leg of lamb
15. lamb chops

Picture Dictionary / Food / Meat, Poultry,


16. chicken
17. turkey
18. duck
19. breasts
20. wings
21. thighs
22. drumsticks
23. gizzards
24. raw chicken
25. cooked chicken

Places to Go

Places to Go


Place to Live

Places to Go - Picture Dictionary

1. zoo
2. animals
3. zookeeper
4. botanical gardens
5. greenhouse
6. gardener
7. art museum
8. painting
9. sculpture
10. the movies
11. seat
12. screen

Places to Go - Picture Dictionary
13. amusement park
14. puppet show
15. roller coaster
16. carnival
17. rides
18. game
19. county fair
20. first place/ first prize
21. exhibition
22. swap meet/ flea market
23. booth
24. merchandise

Places to Go - Picture Dictionary
25. baseball game
26. stadium
27. announcer

Friday 27 July 2012

Types of entertainment

Types of entertainment - Picture Dictionary

Types of entertainment

Types of entertainment - Picture Dictionary

1. film/ movie
2. play
3. television program
4. radio program
5. stand-up
6. concert
7. ballet
8. opera

Types of stories

Types of entertainment - Picture Dictionary

9. western
10. comedy
11. tragedy
12. science fiction story
13. action story/ adventure story
14. horror story
15. mystery
16. romance

Types of  TV programs

Types of entertainment - Picture Dictionary

17. news
18. sitcom (situation comedy)
19. cartoon
20. talk show
21. soap opera
22. nature program

Types of entertainment - Picture Dictionary
23. game show/ quiz show
24. children's program
25. shopping program

Types of entertainment - Picture Dictionary
26. serious book
27. funny book
28. sad book
29. boring book
30. interesting book



comedy: a play designed to make people laugh

  • The play was a comedy about the humor in family life.

concert: a music show

  • The university students were excited about the concert given by their favorite band.

drama: a serious play

  • The play was a drama about serious issues in family life.

fashion show: a show where models wear the latest fashions to introduce them to the public

  • It's exciting to see the fashion shows in New York, Milan, and Paris.

game show: a television show where people play games to win money or prizes

  • She was on that game show and won a new car.

movie: a motion picture or film

  • What movies are playing in our neighborhood?

opera: a play set to music

  • We went to the opera when we were in Italy.

play: a story written to be acted on a stage

  • The high school seniors put on a play at the end of the year.

reality show: a television show that films people as they live their own lives

  • A reality show can be funny or sad.

show: an exhibition or entertainment for the public

  • The movie was an excellent show.

soap opera: a TV show that shows daily episodes of a story that never ends

  • If you start watching a soap opera, it is hard to stop.

TV show: a show broadcast on television

  • He doesn't want to stay home and watch TV shows.


Hotel - Picture Dictionary

Hotel - Picture Dictionary

1. valet parking
2. doorman
3. lobby
4. bell captain
5. bellhop
6. luggage cart
7. gift shop
8. front desk
9. desk clerk

Hotel - Picture Dictionary
10. guest room
11. guest
12. room service
13. hall
14. housekeeping cart
15. housekeeper

Hotel - Picture Dictionary
16. pool
17. pool service
18. ice machine
19. meeting room
20. ballroom

Thursday 26 July 2012

Sports Verbs

Sports Verbs - Picture Dictionary

Water Sports, Winter Sports, Recreation


Sports Verbs - Picture Dictionary

A. walk
B. jog
C. run
D. throw
E. catch
F. pitch
G. hit

Sports Verbs - Picture Dictionary
H. pass
I. shoot
J. jump
K. dribble / bounce
L. kick
M. tackle

Sports Verbs - Picture Dictionary
N. serve
O. swing
P. exercise/ work out
Q. stretch
R. bend

Sports Verbs - Picture Dictionary
S. dive
T. swim
U. ski
V. skate
W. ride

Sports Verbs - Picture Dictionary

X. start
Y. race
Z. finish



Picture Dictionary / Place / Bedroom


Children’s bedroom

Bedroom - picture dictionary

1. mirror
2. dresser/ bureau
3. drawer
4. closet
5. curtains
6. window shade
7. photograph
8. bed
9. pillow
10. pillowcase
11. bedspread
12. blanket
13. flat sheet
14. fitted sheet
15. headboard
16. clock radio
17. lamp
18. lampshade
19. light switch
20. outlet
21. night table
22. dust ruffle
23. rug
24. floor
25. mattress
26. box spring
27. bed frame


Wednesday 25 July 2012

Symptoms, Injuries

Picture Dictionary / People /  Symptoms, Injuries

Picture Dictionary / People /  Symptoms, Injuries

1. headache
2. toothache
3. earache
4. stomachache
5. backache
6. sore throat

Picture Dictionary / People /  Symptoms, Injuries
7. nasal congestion
8. fever/ temperature
9. chills
10. rash

Picture Dictionary / People /  Symptoms, Injuries
11. insect bite
12. bruise
13. cut
14. sunburn
15. blister
16. swollen finger
17. bloody nose
18. sprained ankle

Picture Dictionary / People /  Symptoms, Injuries

A. cough
B. sneeze
C. feel dizzy
D. feel nauseous
E. throw up/ vomit

Emergencies, Natural Disasters

Emergencies, Natural Disasters – Picture Dictionary

Advanced English Course / Streamline B- Connections / Unit 23 FOUR DISASTERS

Emergencies, Natural Disasters – Picture Dictionary

1. lost child
2. car accident
3. airplane crash
4. explosion

Emergencies, Natural Disasters – Picture Dictionary
5. earthquake
6. mudslide
7. fire
8. firefighter
9. fire truck

Emergencies, Natural Disasters – Picture Dictionary

10. drought
11. blizzard
12. hurricane
13. tornado

Emergencies, Natural Disasters – Picture Dictionary
14. volcanic eruption
15. tidal wave
16. flood
17. search and rescue team

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Plan Trip

Picture Dictionary / A Plan Trip


Picture Dictionary / A Plan Trip

A. buy your ticket
B. check your bags
C. go through security
D. check in at the gate
E. get your boarding pass
F. board the plane
G. find your seat
H. stow your carry-0n bag

Picture Dictionary / A Plan Trip
I. fasten your seat belt
J. look for the emergency exit
K. look at the emergency card
L. take off/ leave
M. request a blanket
N. experience turbulence
O. land/ arrive
P. claim your baggage

destination: the place the passenger is going
departure time: the time the plane takes off
arrival time:

Monday 23 July 2012

Domestic Animals, Rodents

Picture Dictionary- Domestic Animals, Rodents






Picture Dictionary- Domestic Animals, Rodents

Farm animals

1. goat
2. donkey
3. cow
4. horse
5. hen
6. rooster
7. sheep
8. pig

Picture Dictionary- Domestic Animals, Rodents


9. cat
10. kitten
11. dog
12. puppy
13. rabbit
14. guinea pig
15. parakeet
16. goldfish

Picture Dictionary- Domestic Animals, Rodents


17. mouse
18. rat
19. gopher
20. chipmunk
21. squirrel
22. prairie dog